Most users won’t ever need to adjust these settings, as most arcade games will be happy coining up with the default RFPay timing settings.
However, sometimes arcade machines expect shorter pulses on their coin lines than RFpay’s default settings.
To Adjust:
- Menu → Arcade → Games → (find your game) → Details
- find Credit Pulse Options and click “Add Custom Credit Pulse Options”
- Modify the “Time to pulse ON” setting. This has a value in “ticks” where 1 tick = 10 milliseconds.
- The default value of 20 ticks means “200 milliseconds”. Try setting this to “5” ticks, and see if that helps. Feel free to try as low a value as “2” (20 milliseconds)
The “repeat” option is useful for games where you can’t easily change the price of a play from the in-game menu, but you only want the user to have to swipe one time to get 1 credit in the game.
- If your game requires $1 in quarters per 1 credit, you can set the “repeat” to “3” (this will send 4 pulses).
- When the player swipes ONCE, the game will think $1 was inserted and award the player one credit
If you need to do the same thing with Tickets, see: