Cashier nodes, when used in conjunction with the admin web UI running on a web browser on a nearby computer, allow you or a staffer to edit, update, and change card details like modifying points, balances, redeem tickets, or viewing transaction history.

How to designate a node as a cashier node

  1. Main Menu → Arcade → Nodes → (find your node by ID) → View Node → Edit

  2. Change Node Mode to “Cashier” and click ‘Save’.

  3. If successful, the node screen will turn green and say “Cashier Station ID” and “Scan Card”.



Visit the web interface in a web browser (recommend using a PC and not mobile for this).

Login and click the Cashier button.


When you swipe a card on the cashier node, the webpage will automatically change to show the details of the card (including for new cards).

From there, you can (through your own software, like square, etc) take cash or credit payments.

What we recommend for a cashier station setup is: