High Level Diagram / Overview

See below for detailed instructions. If anything is unclear, just drop us a line.



  1. RFpay Router (Black device with 5 ethernet ports on it)

    Your RFPay Router.

    Your RFPay Router.

    1. Plug in the power cord
    2. Plug in one ethernet cable from your existing router to the RFPay Router port “Eth0”
    3. The other 4 ports on the router (labelled Eth1,Eth2,Eth3,Eth4) are interchangeable and are “inside” the RFpay network. Feel free to plug in any other RFpay devices you have that may need Ethernet (like kiosks, cashier nodes, optional onsite server, etc)
  2. WiFi

    1. Plug one ethernet cable from any other port (i.e. not Eth0) on the router into your Power Over Ethernet Adaptor. The order of the cables matters, see picture below:
      1. Jack labelled ‘POE’ goes to the WiFi access point (saucer-shaped white disc)
      2. Jack labelled “LAN” goes to the router, any port except Eth0


  3. Onsite Server (optional)

    1. (If you are utilizing our cloud server service, skip this section. this is for customers who purchased an onsite server)
    2. If you have an onsite server, plug it into any free Ethernet port on the router
    3. To access your onsite server’s web UI for admin tasks, connect your laptop or mobile phone to either:
      1. The WiFi using the credentials provided (ask us if you’re not sure what your rfpay wifi is)
      2. An ethernet cable plugged in behind the Rfpay router
    4. Visit in a web browser to get started
      1. Ask us for the username/password for your server


Extra Diagrams/Pictures:

Power Over Ethernet (”POE”) and Wifi access point

Power Over Ethernet (”POE”) and Wifi access point