The big news: RFID accidental swipe protection.
- overhaul RFID scanning to not register cards that are not quickly removed from the scanner.
- should prevent the lion’s share of any remaining issues where cards would accidentally scan and coin up if you left you card on the reader, or leaned against a machine in just the right way.
Other stuff:
- Give users with ‘Cashier’ permission access to machine logs menu (previously, they couldn’t see this)
- Cashier page “last 20 machine log entries” now contains a link to the full list on the Machine Log to dig in further
- Add new RFID card distance “max scan distance” setting, under Arcade→Nodes→View Node→Advanced Settings.
- “Specials” can now work by changing the percentage over 100% (so you can make certain times of the day more expensive [before could only add a discount])
- server can now enforce a minimum firmware version#
- stability: lots of small bugfixes / minor UI tweaks / additional testing / etc
- underpinnings of new time-based scheduler and alerting system